Tuesday 10 March 2009

“Always be yourself... unless you suck.”
- Joss Whedon

"if you ever think of me,
I'll be thinking of you
through thick and thin I bear it and grin,
and never give in."

(I discovered this blog entry unposted just a moment ago, I hadn't forgotten about it, just pushed it to one side, mentally, it's the usual boring stuff...)

Well thank heavens for small victories. This house that seemed like a prison yesterday, before work, seemed welcoming, knowing that days off had arrived. I went straight out after work this morning, and spent far too much money (on Cd's and DVDs of course). but by lunch time I had to wake up, get off my Mothers sofa and come back here. I'm always the same, my youthful spirit (yeah right) says go, go, go, but my aged bones say no,no,no .

I seem to remember starting watching 'The Likely Lads' around 9pm, and then here I am after 11, and I'm a groggy, amnesiac mess. I swear I only touched a drop of wine, (talking of which it would be a crime not to finish this glass).

I don't think insomnia will be a problem tonight.

Apparently I have to do something with my days off this week.

(now back to tonight... er Tuesday)

welcome back.
I gave Billie her ipod touch today, I think she was pleased, it's hard to tell wit a peri-teenage being. Displays of affection will not return for a few years I suspect, it's just not cool to express emotion for your Dad ,I am guessing, when you are almost 13.

I was quite impressed with the device itself by the way. I have absolutely no use for one, but I'd really like one anyway... I think I'm more in touch with my childhood than Billie. On a similar note, my Dad bought a nice wind up/ rechargeable DAB radio for himself and I was trying to engage him , I really thought it was nice. But he just launched a tirade of abuse back at me. i give up we are never going to be friends! (by the way he is 77, I am 43, if anything is going to change, it better be soon.

This sounds very childish, but I just watched the new straight to DVD Wonder Woman film, and it was er, Wonderful. Violent, a little suggestive, and nerd pleasing.

I really want to get drunk, but all the alcohol I have is half a bottle of tequila left over from Barbara's most excellent Mexican themed birthday party from last year. It'll do the job, but is my aged body up to it?

Tune in next week and find out,
same Billy time, same Billy Channel...

“"Someone else's loss is my chocolatey goodness"”

(ps.. anyone have a name for my new tequila/vimto cordial cocktail?)

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