Friday 6 March 2009

“A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool.”

Everyday this week I'd intended to post some exciting insight into my wonderful life. As you can see I didn't, draw your own conclusions. Last night I was going to bemoan the fact I was off to work, this morning just generally moan, but I fell asleep in front of the computer. Well here I am well rested (not really). I don't have anything new to say, work was pretty busy, that's all I need to say really. My anticipated night off next week was cancelled, so I am obviously very pleased about that.
It's quite an isolating experience for me during these night shifts. I go to work, stagger home in the morning. Get up , get ready and off to work. The cycle continues. The upshot is nearly a week can pass by without any contact with the outside world. As you know that's something I get lots of (detect the tone). You don't miss what you never had, that's rubbish isn't it? Of course you can.

Something I did enjoy this week, very much, was 'Lost'. Excuse me the banality of discussing TV for a moment.
I assume the name 'LaFleur' (of character and episode) somehow referenced Sawyers 'flowering' as a person, he did seemed genuinely happy in his new life. Furthermore the romance with Juliet seemed completely natural, and quite wonderful. The emotion he felt when reunited with Kate struck me more as sadness at the loss of this happiness.
The makers can throw any old hokum at us, and we love it all the more.

I got to work very early last night (luckily). I entered the changing room to discover the powers that be had, for some reason, crammed what seemed like hundreds of new lockers in there (it's not a big space). Consequently my locker had gone on a magical mystery tour. I still have a sore thumb from trying my key in literally hundreds of locks.
consequently I was late, only five minutes mind you, the first time in twenty years I can ever recall being late! (I hate being late!).


“It is neither good nor bad, but thinking makes it so.” - William Shakespeare

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