Sunday 29 March 2009

“The crisis of today is the joke of tomorrow.”
- H.G. Wells

"Do my brooding and my scheming, lie awake and pray,
Do my crying and my sighing, laugh at yesterday"

Blogs! Bah Humbug! 99.9% are a waste of time, and I include this one in that figure. I don't want to read the paranoid ramblings of some vacuous teenager, and I'm sure that the equally dull outpourings of an equally hopeless Brit are as equally meaningless to them. Never the less I continue, and they do too. We all want the paradox of being an individual yet being accepted, included. Obviously paradoxes, are by their very nature, unlikely, nay impossible.

Drink? Drunk? No, just miserable, and more bitter than a crate of lemons.

Sadly life doesn't have a reverse gear. So forward I must go, forward to the future! After all that's where we will all be spending the rest of out lives (although I'm far to fat for a one piece silver jumpsuit - speaking of which how come alien civilisations always where the same outfit? on a planetary scale - apologies to whatever stand up , I'm plagiarising ....)

On a more concrete scale - I'm in the money! well in a small way, at least. The global downturn means my mortgage has gone down a lot, so my savings are growing, a bit. Now I really really want a Fiat 500, my Panda is getting on a bit. Do I risk buying a new car, knowing that a) I don't need one, and b) that should the interest rate go up I will be stuffed with a capital Stuff! I think I already know the answer, I'm too much of a coward to take the risk...

“In England we have come to rely upon a comfortable time-lag of fifty years or a century intervening between the perception that something ought to be done and a serious attempt to do it.” - H.G. Wells

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