Sunday 15 March 2009

“I don't necessarily agree with everything I say.”
- Marshall McLuhan

"I walk along those city streets you used to walk along with me,
and every step I take recalls how much in love we used to be"

Honestly , everyday I meant to post, to record a snapshot of some random Billy thoughts, or describe some pointless minutiae. I wanted too but I didn't. Mostly it was apathy, of the "I'll do it later... oh it's too late" variety. The rest was simply being too tired. I've said it before, and obviously I'll say it again, (and probably again) but night shift throws the proverbial spanner into my middle aged workings, both mentally and physically.
Mentally, I just hate it. I could get out out the house (laziness) but when I get in I just go to bed, and by the time I get up and get ready, I simply can't be bothered. So as definitely said last week , a week or so can go by, where save for the 60 second phone call Billie and I exchange daily, no human contact has occurred. I'm truly pathetic.
Physically, I'm getting old, and I lead a most unhealthy life. I can sleep, at least for a while, but I never feel rested.
Enough old fart moaning.

Except to say I'm feeling a little (read as very) lost. Depression doesn't really cover it anymore, pointless is a better way of putting it. Like a machine that someone switches on and then never comes back to, it appears to be moving with purpose, but given enough time, no one can remember why.

On a much lighter note, I have to be home by 8am tomorrow, as someone is coming to "service my boiler" (ooh er) !
The time slot is 8 'til 1, what's the betting it'll be ten to one (joke, get it?)?
I'll probably sleep through the doorbell, or he'll condemn my boiler as unsafe (I hope that's a joke).

“The past went that-a-way. When faced with a totally new situation, we tend always to attach ourselves to the objects, to the flavor of the most recent past. We look at the present through a rear view mirror. We march backwards into the future.”

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