Saturday 21 March 2009

“A good beginning makes a good ending”

"Well they used to be blue,
When they used to be new"

I must admit that I have recently been quite reluctant to post here. Why ? you might ask, if you existed anyway. Well I seem to have descended into creating a blog centred around twin obsessions, my self perceived miserable existence (which although solitary, isn't that bad compared to say 90% of the planets population) and my regret and lingering feelings for my long lost love, Barbara.

I conclude (correctly it would seem) , that no one but me would be interested in such matters (that is after all the reason for the blogs title). I just realised that I have cleverly stumbled upon a way to reference those obsessions, whilst like the ouroboros, devour my own tail, if you see what I mean.

This week I have been thinking a lot about how I unwittingly sabotaged that relationship, looking for motivations, and realising that pretty much everything I did wrong, although almost all unwittingly at the time, was pretty much downright evil and not what such a lovely person deserved. I'm not a bad person, but I'm capable of bad things, to my eternal shame...

In a sudden change of tone, I'll now briefly mention my two favourite TV shows, which I'm sure you will recall are Lost and especially Battlestar Galactica.

Lost this week was such a change in tone. It's now a full blown fantasy / Sci Fi show, which is fine by me. This week however the feel of the show changed totally, Jack is powerless and defanged, Sawyer went from being the hero, to well a spiteful child, and Christian Shepherd is gradually becoming the Wizard of Oz, as in the man behind the curtain. Never the less, it remains compelling.

Battlestar Galactica has ended! In the long term this is a good thing , just think Fawlty Towers, but in the short term I will miss this , the finest of Vancouver products, bar one.
The finale was the show that kept on giving. We had the action adventure of the first hour (I loved the old style centurions literally slugging it out with their modern brethren). The second hour was more cerebral and pretty much tied up all the loose ends one could wish for. That 150,000 years later caption was a bit mind blowing, and yes the final scene did jar tonally with the whole run (robots!) but all in all it was a majestic conclusion to a fantastically coherent and singular TV show. Will we ever see it's like again?
Although the trappings were 'space and robots', it had more to say about the human condition than any drama I recall. (that's the argument I use when I'm accused of watching geeky fluff any how!)
I will happily buy it (all over again) when I finally go high definition (which may well be a long long time).

Billie likes her ipod ! Hurrah! Sadly she remains a teenager (boo!) even if she is only 12!

“If you want a happy ending, that depends, of course, on where you stop your story.” - Orson Welles (I've used this before, but it is too perfect not to resurrect!)

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