Thursday 27 August 2009

“Life's tragedy is that we get old too soon and wise too late”
- Benjamin Franklin

"He travels on to wherever he must,
A chess knight of silver is his badge of trust

Hello, it's me again, albeit briefly.
I'm knackered, in all senses of the word. Signs and symptoms of age and wear and tear are piling up. Literally limping home last night after two consecutive 13 hours shifts, well I was asleep before 11pm for the first time in years.
Speaking of work, it's becoming very tense for Nurses there. It's as if our own management is turning on us, we are simply pieces on their big game board now, not friends and colleagues, but i imagine every one feels like this, everywhere.

Its seems there will be no Christmas night out this year, I'll miss my annual chance to dance!

It's two weeks since I've seen Billie, blimey I miss her.

I watched "Crank 2" today (absolutely crazy, totally preposterous, but great fun) and "The Spirit" (very disappointing indeed). It seems all I do these days is watch movies, oh well!

“You know you're getting older when your knees buckle, but your belt won't”

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