This ain't no fooling around
No time for dancing, or lovey dovey,
I ain't got time for that now"
In an already uneventful life, this week was exceptionally, well, er quiet.
I watched 'First Blood' the other day, it was much better than I remembered (so much so, I plan on watching the other three very soon).
More interesting than my in depth opinion was that I noticed it was filmed in British Columbia. Likewise after watching 'Watchmen' I discovered it was filmed almost entirely in Vancouver. (by the way Watchmen was much much better than I had expected - if that interests you at all)
Now there are many many great shows and movies made in this wonderful province, but I am surely falling into that human habit of seeing significance where none lies. We all see patterns where no patterns are, purely because we demand some order from what appears to be chaos. I notice all these wonderful Canadian locations because ( although there is bloody loads of stuff made there) simply I want to wallow consciously or not.
(I realise that if you have stumbled across this blog, you will have no idea what I am talking about,or any significance, perceived or otherwise. Frankly I don't care, I was simply pointing it out, so there!)
Petulant aside over, I have been mightily troubled by ear wax of late. My ears feel like they have had concrete poured into them. I feel a little dizzy, plus obviously I'm a bit deaf. I know better than to stick anything in there, so I'm persevering with oil - interesting eh?
I'm a little bemused by the anti NHS stuff going on in America at the moment. From the British perspective it is obviously blatant propaganda by the insurance companies fearing loss of revenue. Their perception of 'social' health care seems like a throwback to the cold war period. I can imagine that those that have paid up, might initially be a bit miffed that others will suddenly get health care for free, but however much you despise an individual (and I'm all for that), doesn't everyone deserve to be healthy, or at least have a shot at it?
My Parental relationship with Billie seems to have settled into a new routine. Mainly watching her chatting online, and the trying to get her out of bed before midday!
I had the new 50MB broadband installed yesterday. I say 'installed', but I got the impression the engineer didn't know a lot about computers. However a little rearranging after he left and everything seems okay, for now.
As you probably noticed, I tend to have ups and downs (no, really?), and I can feel the edge of the 'down' approaching. (I know that sentence was atrocious by the way.) So I imagine I shall continue to sit here in my dressing gown, until it's time for bed.
Until next time...
(just watched this last night, the best concert movie, like ever!)
“I only go out to get me a fresh appetite for being alone.” - Lord Byron

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