Where is the sunshine we once knew?"
Whilst looking at the computer at work for details of a new admission, I noticed my Dad was in A/E. I felt very calm about this to my surprise, but I feared the worst. Luckily it turned out that his problem was far from life threatening and He somehow wangled himself home rather than spending a night in hospital (as I and the Doctors in A/E would have preferred). Consequently he failed to receive important information and follow up treatment arrangements, all for the sake of a night of soap operas. I suspect this was somewhat down to embarrassment and his shying away from anything intimate and of a personal nature. But what do I know? it's only what I do for a living.
Now he's sitting at home, no District Nurse arranged, lacking in vital equipment, and no idea of follow up or prognosis. It all makes me a little angry, and my writing is shockingly bad tonight, but it was a very busy 13 hour shift today... I'm drifting...
(voice from the future - District Nurse was eventually arranged, all is well - for now...)
I've found a new equilibrium with Facebook. I don't comment on anyones pages, I don't do anything in fact, just change my status every couple of days. This gives me a wonderful chance to recycle some of my favourite quotes from these very pages.
I haven't actually invited anybody to be my friend (well all except one, and she sort of changed her mind). No one bothers me, I don't bother anyone, it's like a microcosm of the rest of my life really.
It's payday this week, the first since before Christmas. now I can start planning a holiday. I seriously considered southern Sweden, land of 'Wallander' but for the price of a short break , I could have a fortnight in the more touristy destinations (not that I want to), however the single person supplement is crippling. More likely then is the UK city break, I've never been to Wales, I could get the ferry to Northern Ireland, or I could go back to Scotland, there's my choices, I shall cogitate.
Tonight I'm almost overpowered by dreaded nostalgia!
Well I'm going to wait for something to happen to me ( a little voice tells me, 'get comfortable then')...
“The Beatles saved the world from boredom.” - George Harrison

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