Wednesday 6 January 2010

“The hot sun melts the snows; when anger comes, wisdom goes”
- Hindi Proverb

"I'm so hard to handle
I'm selfish and I'm sad
Now I've gone and lost the best baby
That I ever had"

There's nothing so stereotypically English as talking about the weather, and on the scale of banality, talking about the weather must rate pretty highly too.
Nevertheless I am going to.

It seems that winter is upon us. Not the winters of late when all that happened was a bit of frost , and it got bloody freezing, no the winters of our idyllically recalled childhood (which in reality were beset by shortage, poverty, boredom and power cuts, but at least we had The Morecambe and Wise Christmas Show to look forward too eh?).
It's been snowing (what you hadn't noticed?) and then snowing some more. For me at least this hasn't been much of a problem. I live around half a mile from my place of work. I did have a nasty fall last winter and hurt my arm (remember it was the other one, not the one with the frozen shoulder, and I couldn't use either for a few days, oh how we laughed). This left me with a deep distrust of ice, snow I can happily plow through, but the ice brings out the old codger in me and you can spot me daintily shuffling up the road to work - silly old fool!

I do like the way that the snow makes the familiar look new and interesting. I know it can be treacherous, but the familiar old sites of that place I call home can actually look quite pretty with a fresh sprinkling (don't worry I'm still riddled with regret and angst, that looked a little optimistic, and let me assure you, that is not how I feel).

People (lots of them) complain about the lack of snowplows and gritting, but the truth is that we are actually a temperate country, so millions spent on specialist equipment, would leave them more often than not sitting doing nothing. No doubt there would then be another outcry about that!
I wish there were less outcries knocking about. There are many many things wrong with the world, but the relevant ones seem to be sidelined (or supported by often misguided nutcases). I'm not a political animal, so mini rant over.

I've effectively given up with Facebook, although I'm not going to delete my account, it may come in useful now and again.

My highlight of the week (apart from finally finishing that six day stretch at work) was the new 'series' (all three episodes, count 'em) of 'Wallander'. As I think I said last year (I did, I just checked), there is something about the divorced, middle aged loner with one daughter and balancing on the edge of depression that I identify with strongly (go figure). But the tone and look of the show is perfect. The details of the story are almost unimportant, but the unrelenting negativity and dourness is strangely compelling and uplifting (plus Southern Sweden STILL looks fabulous). I only wish I'd seen it in hi-def.

(that was an uncharacteristically upbeat end wasn't it, I haven't even had a drink)

I had a dream last night, I'll tell you about is sometime (probably when drunk) . Here's a clue, well actually do you really need one?

(combining two of my favourites, 'The Beastie Boys' and 'Diabolik!')

“We build statues out of snow, and weep to see them melt” - Sir Walter Scott

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