Saturday 2 January 2010

“"All alone! Whether you like it or not, alone is something you'll be quite a lot"”

"You're still here? It's over. Go home. Go."

I went to bed early last night, well before midnight (I remind you again that is not typical Billy behaviour). I wasn't tired, well not really. In all honesty, I simply couldn't bear the thought of listening to those chimes ringing yet again all on my own. To this end I pulled up the covers and turned up the Cd to mask the sounds from the street, and eventually fell asleep.

New Years day at work was quiet, the quietest it's been over the course of the holidays. I took down the tree, the one on the ward at least, as I didn't bother with any decorations this year (or is that now last year ?) , what would have been the point ?
The excitement of an early finish and getting away from work always surprises me in retrospect, for when I arrive home I cannot recall what I was looking forward too in the first place, if you see what I mean? (I'm a little confused myself).
Sadly still another four days before my days off. I've only worked two and I'm already feeling wretched! Ho hum.

If I were to make a resolution (and I'm not, I know how weak willed I am) it would be to look for some fun in the next year. I would love to post something upbeat and amusing, but nothing like that seems to happen to me (chicken and egg?). Another one would be to exercise and eat more healthily, but so I expect writes half the western world.

In a rare moment of complete sincerity, I want all of you (but especially me) to find something good in 2010. While wishes can't make us rich, maybe effort can make good things happen. Maybe in 12 months time I might have something funny and uplifting to report (my little inner pessimist whispers "fat chance") , surprises do happen , don't they?

finally, an aside to Andrea as I know you occasionally stop by here. You seem to have vanished from Facebook, I went to reply to your message and simply cannot find you!
My initial selfish paranoia assumed it was to avoid me, but a little logic reminds me you could have simply ignored my first messag
e, which would, after all, have been completely reasonable.

“Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple.” - Dr Seuss

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