Friday 29 January 2010

“Tomorrow is often the busiest day of the week”
- Spanish Proverb

"Oh, what happened to you?
Whatever happened to me?
What became of the people we used to be?"

Be afraid, be very afraid - I'm feeling sorry for myself today. So you may want to look elsewhere for entertainment (actually that applies to ALL of my posts).
Now read on...

I don't normally mention dreams, other than to say I've had them of course. The contents are so personal and usually meaningless when you try and put them down in the form of words, rather than images and feelings, they sound trite and completely dull, dull!. However ignoring that, last night I had a dream that Barbara become the Star of a Sit-Com that was super popular world wide.Everybody loved her, the compassionate, beautiful, and sassy one liner queen of TV land, yet in the dream this made me very upset, not because of her success, but the fact that I let (or rather caused) her slip from my grasp, and here was a weekly 30 minute reminder of my wrongdoing. Needless to say when I woke up the emotional hangover from this subconscious escapade left me feeling rather down, even more than usual, if you can imagine such a thing. I still can't shake it off completely (and it's mid afternoon). Paging Dr Freud...

I'm becoming more and more detached from the normal goings on of regular folk. I had a days holiday this week, which means for the past four days I've done almost nothing constructive.
It was pay day yesterday, but even that normally smile inducing few minutes, left me feeling nothing. Surely the fact I can write about this stuff (over and over) means that I probably haven't yet arrived at the doors marked "serious mental health issues" (but really, who would have such a sign?) but I'm certainly on a nodding acquaintance with it, if one can be on a nodding acquaintance with a door that is!
I have no drive to do anything about it, no desire to get out and do things (just look at the progress I've made in booking a holiday), and even less to meet people. I continue to worry...

I had a haircut yesterday, and in a return to posts of yesteryear it was a bloomin' disaster. Why can't he just do as I ask? eh? um? an inch or two off the back and leave the sides long - long! comprende?
At the 'barbers' I frequent , not five minutes walk from where I sit, there are two people cutting hair. One man, one lady. As you will probably have guessed all the good haircuts I've had in the past years have not been from the man (hey! this was an episode of Seinfeld too!).
Needless to say when my crudely shorn locks have returned to a decent length, I'm going somewhere else, mark my words! Now grow damn you, grow!

“He who says what he likes, hears what he does not like”

(taken from the first random page I googled for the symptoms of depression in men,
honestly what a dope I am)

* Persistent sad, anxious, or "empty" mood
* Feelings of hopelessness, pessimism
* Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, helplessness
* Loss of interest or pleasure in hobbies and activities that were once enjoyed, including sex
* Decreased energy, fatigue, being "slowed down"
* Difficulty concentrating, remembering, making decisions
* Trouble sleeping, early-morning awakening, or oversleeping
* Appetite and/or weight change
* Thoughts of death or suicide, or suicide attempts
* Restlessness, irritability
* Persistent physical symptoms, such as headaches, digestive disorders, and chronic pain, which do not respond to routine treatment

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