Monday 11 January 2010

“Eggs have no business dancing with stones”
- Italian Proverb

"Do my brooding and my scheming, lie awake and pray,
Do my crying and my sighing, laugh at yesterday"

Something about January depresses me. I know that is hardly an original thought, but there you go. The year is like a roller coaster ride, slowly, slowly cranking up to the top of the first drop in December then suddenly, whoosh , and we are in the depths of January, and begin the slow ascent to December again (okay I admit it's a pretty poor roller coaster, only one drop, and a pretty poor metaphor too, would comparing it to the plight of Sisyphus be more apt?).
Anyway, I can feel the weight of the year pressing down on me, with all it's inevitable boredom, and all the things that won't happen. Bring it on!

Anyway where am I? 10 days of the year gone and same old , same old. Tonight's highlights were a bottle of red wine and a blu-ray of 'Dead Snow', which is a most entertaining Norwegian Nazi Zombie comedy horror type malarkey affair.

I have two weeks holiday on the horizon (March) so begins the ritual of me saying how much I'd like to get away every few days, and inevitably staying right where I am. Don't let this happen okay ! (who am I kidding?)

The snow seems to be starting to disperse at last, only a few short months and the country can begin to moan about water shortages and the terrible heat!

“When the game is over, the king and the pawn go into the same box”

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