But it don't look like rain.
And if it snows that stretch down south,
won't ever stand the strain."
Well what have I been up to? I piqued your curiosity didn't I? Well sorry I've been up to exactly nothing, surprised ? Thought not.
My daughter did stay over last night and that's always a pleasure, but now she's off to her Grandmothers in Bristol for a week, oh well.
I'd forgotten how much night shift screws up your body rhythms, or maybe it's just middle age , but my sleep is all over the place. I don't mean I'm sleeping in various locations, by the way, just unpredictably. Oh you know what I mean.
It feels very lonely here tonight...
"I didn’t go to college but if I did I would’ve taken all my tests at a restaurant 'cause “The customer’s always right." - Mitch Hedburg

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