Tuesday 12 August 2008

“The world is a stage, but the play is badly cast.”

"Well since she put me down I 've been out doin' in my head

I come in late at night and in the mornin' I just lay in bed"

My night off has arrived- Hurrah!
The last six days or so are a bit of an half remembered haze. Sleep , work, sleep, and finally a night off. I'm back tomorrow sadly. There is something about being in an Hospital, usually such a busy place, in the early hours , that quite takes one out of reality. Dealings with patients are more a series of vignettes than the day time version, and they either come in the calm, "thanks for the morphine" type or the flailing limbs " where the F@*$" is my morphine" variety. We are an admissions ward, but I still resent asking "how many times a day do you open your bowels?" at 4am, to a person in obvious pain. I haven't been sleeping well at all, only managing about four or five hours an afternoon. You never notice how busy a street is, until you are trying to sleep at 11am (who knew so many ice cream trucks stopped outside my house?).

Luckily I have been working with some of my lovely Filipino colleagues, who help an old duffer like me get through the long dark nights. And I really have been feeling old recently, as I think I've mentioned about a hundred times or so.
Although I still don't think that three nurses are enough to cope on a 24 hour admissions unit for the whole night.

In more superfluous news, I've really been enjoying a new TV show called "The Middleman". Sadly it looks like it will be cancelled after twelve episodes (Journeyman anyone?). I like the "Buffyesque" dialog and the (intentionally) ludicrous plots. Plus it's another quality product of Vancouver, which turns out some of the best TV shows in the world (and people too!).

What to do with one night off then? Yes of course, Wine, self recrimination and a cheesy DVD.
(my Brother Frank fell asleep during "The Dark Knight", how could he?...)

“A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.” - Oscar Wilde

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