Thursday 28 August 2008

"Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow"

"Reflected in the water,
When all the rainy pavement
Lead to you,
It's over now,
I know it's over,
But I can't let go."

A brief return - a week ! A WEEK! I'd like to tell you the story of that week, I'd like to but there is simply no story to tell.
All work and no play makes Billy a dull boy, a dull, dull, dull boy!

I haven't seen my daughter for 10 days, I've had virtually no contact with adult company, for like EVER! I think I'm going slightly mad (thanks Freddy). I continue to dwell, dwell, dwell on times past, but what's new?

I watched the (frankly fantastic) end of "Slings and Arrows" which immediately jumps into my Canadian top 3 TV Shows (does Battlestar Galactica count? it is made in Vancouver!)

Belated 42nd birthday to Shirley Manson,
my mind was on other things...
to sleep, perchance to dream
(speaking of which I've had some very vivid dreams lately, which all seem to end up as nightmares...)

I'm off to bed, maybe I might even get some sleep tonight.

(later edit - er ... those last two sentences seem to contradict each other, whilst I am getting some sleep. it sometimes ends in a bad dream, I'm still not back to full blown insomnia, but it's all seeming VERY familiar - bye bye!)

"By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes . . ." (come on you know this!)

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