Saturday 30 August 2008

“You can't change the past, but you can ruin the present by worrying about the future”

"Do my dreaming and my scheming,
Lie awake and pray,
Do my crying and my sighing,
Laugh at yesterday"

Time Marches On...
The further I go , the more backwards I become. I always suspected I lacked only two things that stopped me from achieving greatness, namely ambition and ability.
Is it possible for a standstill to grind in reverse? Enough musing, what's been happening? Precisely nothing.
That great British obsession, the weather, has surprised me recently. After what seemed like the wettest and most miserable August that I can remember, the past few days were delightfully balmy. Shame I was effectively locked in a hospital.
Next week I have an MOT to look forward too (whoop and indeed de whoo!) which my eternally pessimistic self assumes will cost a fortune, and the following week I have a surprise sickness interview at work (I had two days off in march with nausea and vomiting!)this seems a little draconian to poor me, but at least it gives me something to fret over.
This week I've added two (count 'em) minor ailments to the pantheon that middle age has lavished upon me. I really must get myself a GP, might come in handy one day...

“Time heals what reason cannot” - Seneca

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