Tuesday 15 September 2009

“If you've heard this story before, don't stop me, because I'd like to hear it again.”

"here comes the last of the great romantics"

I had a nightmare last night, probably influenced by the ever playing radio, but it's left me with a nagging negative air (although how anyone would ever notice I cannot imagine).
Last week I was at my Mams (there's a novelty) when my Dad disappeared. Now this is not unusual, as he sometimes actively avoids me, I don't think he actually likes me. Anyway this vanishing act was into the back room , rather than upstairs his usual bolt hole. I was a little concerned and looked in to find him lying on the floor, semi-conscious and vomiting all over himself. The strangest thing ifs that my Mother was sitting across from him, not alerting anyone to this because he had said not to!
My Sister was there too (she is also a Nurse, albeit the trickier mental health variety). We (notice not I) eventually got him to have a change of clothes and a lie down, once his conscious level had returned to normal. I made my Mother promise to keep him at home for a day or two, as he had been working outside and it was unseasonably warm, I suspected he was a little dehydrated. Next day he was apparently much better, but after I rang up my Mam went out shopping, and according to my Brother, as soon as she was gone, he (my Dad, not my Brother) slipped into some clothes and went out! What a big petulant child. He simply would not take any advice from me (nor has he ever) but any quack or half wit can espouse rubbish ion the tabloids or on TV and he will happily repeat it as gospel! Real life experience and advice from me goes unheeded. I know I sound like the petulant child now, but he has never liked or respected me, despite my efforts. almost on a daily basis he accuses me of picking on him, when all I am actually doing is trying to engage him on some, any, level.

I often wish for the cliched family,- Dad pops in an does a bit of DIY for you and jokes about something he read, Mam comes round for a cup of Tea, Brother takes you out for a drink, we all laugh and joke and discuss the issues of the world - "time to wake up Mr. Hopkinson".

(as illumination for the above, in the past four years, My Dad has visited me once, on the night I was assaulted, for 10 minutes, my Mam has maybe been here three times, totalling less than an hour, and two of those I'd brought her here in my car, even though she passes within a third of a mile EVERY day on the bus. C'est la vie!).

"Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others." - Groucho Marx


Anonymous said...

I think your dad is pretty much set in his ways. You wear your heart on your sleeve, and he, well... doesn't. Maybe that's why you clash so much. As for this happy family malarky, it really doesn't exist. I've found that out the hard way over the last few months. My dad, brother, and sister have all turned their backs on me and the kids after i stood up to my rather intimidating brother. Families suck at the best of times. That's why me and you escape into the world of cult tv. Nothing like a wee bit of escapism.
Top fav telly at the mo btw... True Blood, Supernatural, Bones, Bones and more Bones. Amazing!!
If only real life was like the movies:)

Billy Hopkinson said...

Hello again 'anonymous'. I know that outside of the Brady Bunch, family harmony doesn't exist. It's simply human nature to want what you haven't got. Plus it gets so damn lonely here, now that Billie is an independent teen, I am alone maybe 97% of the time (apart from work of course). Good to hear from you - sincerely.
I am currently waiting the appearance of True Blood on C4, and the new series of Dexter starts imminently.
Plus I have finally started to watch my "Brittas Empire" box set , a guilty pleasure.
I admire your use of the word Malarkey!

Sorry to hear about your family troubles, I remember how tempestuous it seemed, but I also remember that you are your own person (sounds familiar) and sometimes you end up walking alone because of it.

I look forward to your next comment, whoever you are!

Anonymous said...

The Brittas Empire lol!! Takes a real man to own up to liking that one:) It did have it's moments though. I much prefer Chris Barrie with an H stuck to his head:)
I quite enjoyed Psychoville on 2 a while back. Don't know if you managed to catch it, but it was very dark and funny all at the same time. A bit like life you could say:)
Trying to focus on all the positives in life now. Having most of my family disappear on me has made me value my pals more. Turns out i have some good friends that have helped me through the bad times. You certainly can't choose your family, but friends, you so can:)
Maybe your percentages will change in time.
Still lovin your work:)

Anonymous said...

What percentages ?
I somehow missed Psychoville, as I hardly ever watch broadcast TV, maybe once a week.
I am watching lots of DVDs however!

Anonymous said...

Percentages. As mentioned across the way...

I am alone maybe 97% of the time (apart from work of course).

Billy said...

Silly me! I hadn't realised, I thought I was missing something obvious, or being insensitive.
Thanks for your continued patronage!
Again, I look forward to your future comments.