Sunday 20 September 2009

“True friends stab you in the front.”
- Oscar Wilde

"People hear me, who can know
if our time on Earth's the soundcheck or the show?"

Well half my holiday gone. I feel very unstressed, but also very unfulfilled (that isn't quite the word I want but it will do), and dare I say it, very lonely.
Billie stayed last night and we had a good time, but a bit of adult company would be most welcome.

On a trivial note I finished (and immensely enjoyed) Arkham Asylum on the Playstation, and on my 10 ft screen it was glorious to look at. I'm not much of a gamer, but I've always been a Batman fan.
The new 'Unthanks' (formerly Rachel Unthank and the Winterset) cd finally arrived today. Very enjoyable in a miserable kind of way, but the Prefab Sprout album still wins out for emotional effect on yours truly.

I toyed briefly with the notion of signing up for Facebook today. I have always been dead set against it for some reason. I really want to get in touch with some people who I know dwell there, but at the same time there are those I wish to avoid (again avoid is totally the wrong word, but I'll let it stand). Is Facebook laying yourself perhaps to bare and accessible? Oh I want to be accessible, but only on my own terms, Facebook has always seemed to me like leaving your curtains open and the 'big' light on, then complaining to your neighbours about nosiness.

“I was walking down the street with my friend and he said 'I hear music,' as though there's any other way to take it in. 'You're not special. That's how I receive it too... I tried to taste it, but it did not work.'” - Mitch Hedberg


Anonymous said...

Facebook isn't so bad Mr H:) I was forever deleting my myspace account, but after meeting an old school pal in work a few months back i followed her advice and signed up. I'd lost touch with so many friends over the years and it was really good to find quite a few of them online. A few old myspacers found me on there too and i've been keeping in touch with them as well:)
Hope mine isn't one of the profiles you'd be wanting to avoid:)
All the best!

Billy Hopkinson said...

No far from it mysterious 'A'. Yours would certainly not be avoided, in fact quite the reverse!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear it:)
Well, should you decide to sign up for some cyber curtain twitching, you could always pop by and say hello.