Thursday 7 July 2011

Regrets, I've had a few...

Here's something new, a post from my phone.
I'm feeling esecially foolish at the moment.
I moan and I winge about nothing in particular, feeling so very very sorry for myself. But some people actually have real problems.

Entirely by accident (honestly) I stumbled across Barbara's twitter account. It seems her Mam is  very unwell, and has been for quite some time.
Let me explain a little, I never, ever ever go googling Barbara (heaven knows I've wanted to) , partly down to an "ignorance is bliss" (by which I practically live my life) policy, (see also ostrich syndrome)  plus a bit of respecting her privacy (for if she wanted me to know these things, I'd know them for sure). But quite by chance I came across her in a twitter list of "following".
Whenever (admittedly now all too rarely)  I stumble across her (usually at I experience a sensation that is a strange mixture of excitement, dizziness, apprehension, and a little dread (see earlier policy!) , it's recent enough for me to recall quite clearly, it's the most alive I've felt in a while, to be sure.
I know it's unlikely, but if you, that is Barbara Hultberg, ever read this, I wish you and your Mam , and your family all the positivity I'm capable of. I know she's in safe and loving hands.

(Spelling and all that other stuff when I get back to my computer)

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