Saturday 30 July 2011

“Take care to get what you like or you will be forced to like what you get”
- George Bernard Shaw

Just back from a very long (seemingly) shift at work. I put a tubular bandage on my ankle, it feels much better, and it's greatly reduced my limp!
I've still got that sense of dread, which I thought I'd mentioned before, but foolishly realise, I haven't. Anyway since I don't believe in the supernatural, precognition, fate, or any other premonition based malarkey, I'm obviously simply going crackers.
Weeks of disturbing dreams and now this almost unshakable sense of impending doom, completely nuts! There can be no other explanation.

I've now watched the whole of the first season of "Game Of Thrones" , and I was slowly, but inescapably ,taken over by the complexity, the production design and simply bloody good story telling. Some genuine surprises, no spoilers, and that NI scenery looks great (and I know some of it is shot in Malta, the 'sunny' bits!). Hard to believe that all the interiors are shot in the former shipyards. I'd really like to visit Belfast some day, I hear it's a great place.

I bought some second hand 'Rush' CDs which I am enjoying very much, I love being so eclectic! oh stop!
But really I must stop, or at least slow down with the CD purchasing (why?). On Wednesday of this week, I either received in the post, or bought secondhand, 17. And they weren't the only ones this week. In my defence, I never buy new (or at least full price!), but if i like music, I like to 'own' it, I have an undeniable hoarding instinct which I've somehow sublimated into CD buying these past 3 years (!). I'm rambling and giddy, I'm off to bed.  Another long stretch of days at work ahead, so you probably won't hear anything from me, until wine can be consumed once more!

I came to this song via Laura Cantrell, whom I adore, the John Prine original is great too, but youtube had no decent videos of either, so here's a nice Johnny Cash version. but if you can check the Laura Cantrell version, it's simple and heartbreaking...

“We want a few mad people now. See where the sane ones have landed us!” - George Bernard Shaw




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