Monday 4 December 2006

Humbug! sob sob

I don't really enjoy Christmas. I enjoying being with my daughter for a few hours ( she doesn't live with me) but I always volunteer to work on the 25th (likewise Christmans Eve, Boxing Day, New years Eve and New years Day)as Christmas is very lonely on your own . It must be 10 or more years since I felt any hint of a "Christmas spirit". I'm not a misanthrope, but Christmas just means crowded shops and over-indulgence, and hypocritically, wishing I had some presents - maybe I'm just depressed (you think?) - I'm certainly very lonely.

But Just to show you I do have some Human emotions, I watched The Elephant Man today, and found myself in tears. It is Lynch's most accessible film , and most Human. Many of us move in social circles that provide us with a veneer of safety. Merrick at the Theatre was safe , but when he stepped outside of that comfort zone into "reality" like at the railway station, that safety was ripped away like a curtain. ( Perspective - I was recently beaten in the street by 5 youths, I think it was because of my beard - reason enough for many!)
Wow - navel gazing, self pity and film reviews all in one post! maybe I should have thrown in a recipe?

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