Wednesday 27 December 2006

Like dreamers do

I just had the strangest dream. It was something to do with my car breaking down, my friend Claire, and Jarvis Cocker! I think I can explain most of it. I'd fallen asleep by the computer you see, and so had my BIG headphones clamped to my head, and yes I was listening to Jarvis Cocker (v good) on repeat. Claire I think was due to the instant messenger alerts I was hearing in my sleep, but the car? - hey just random dream stuff I suppose, although I'm sure Freud would have said otherwise.
Now I feel wide awake and its after 2am man!

This photos tenous connection is that it shows an example of my dream car , a VW Kharmann Ghia (Mike Myers had one in the fabulous "So I married an Axe Murderer" and he lived in San Francisco lucky sod - my favourite city) plus it has groovy sixties lady Julie Newmar as a bonus.

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