Wednesday 10 January 2007

Do You Want To Know A Secret?

You may remember my "sort of" resolution to be more upbeat and positive? You may remember a recent entry when I experienced a warm fuzziness whilst walking to work? well I think I'm losing it - no not my mind ! my brief flirtation with positivity! its fading, and fast. It's 2am, I'm wide awake, and I have the sure and certain knowledge that tomorrow will be just like today and the day before that. Damn I'm a miserable bastard - I'm annoying myself now.

(thinks) I did see "The Passion of The Christ" today, and far from the anti-semitic, preachathon I expected , I found a Moving and well crafted piece of Art. Well Done Mr Gibson!

(ps sorry for going all monosylabic! - I'm a big baby!)

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