Monday 29 January 2007

Fixing a hole (part 2)

I'm not a domestic animal.
No, no I know I'm not a cat, I mean when it comes to the day to day running of a life, I'm rubbish. For instance, I'm sure I could get a better mortgage deal, but the thought of seeking advice and form filling fills me with dread!! If I could do it easily and anonymously online , hey no problem !

Anyway I finally got around to sorting out some roof damage (that happened at NEW YEAR!! - slowcoach) and I am now filled with a vague sense of achievement! Nice !

Strangely the nature of my job involves a constant stream of problem solving (occasionally life or death!), so how come real life flummoxes me?? go figure!

Now I'm off to get some boiler insurance (the life of the gentleman adventurer eh? so romantic and exciting!!)

(As an aside whilst on hold they were playing some goddamn awful muzak version of r.e.s.p.e.c.t. the Otis / Aretha classic . Why couldn't they just play the original? I know it must be more expensive or something, but I wanted to stick my hand down the line and smash up their corporate tape machine , as a blow for music lovers everywhere!! but hey, at least it wasn't bloody Greensleeves!)

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