Sunday 14 January 2007


Another "day in the life" comes to an end, no surprises, no excitement - ho hum. (Speaking of a day in the life , I wonder if it's time to knock the Beatles titles on the head? What am I saying of course not! - though there isn't an infinite supply))
Work tomorrow , so at this relatively early time (2.30am) it's time at least to try and sleep! It's several weeks since this last batch of severe insomnia kicked in (it comes and goes in degrees of severity), although usually it's gone by now. Combined with SAD and the precarious state of my upper storey (both mine and the house - ha!) my noisy neighbours, my tinnitus and my general mood who knows when it'll go ! ( I'm smiling as I say this - underneath my dour exterior is an optimistic core - I think).
Hang on what was the point of this entry? I've really forgotten, all I seem to go on about is the rubbish state of the modern world, red wine, music, DVDs and insomnia, so it's a safe bet it was one of those (no wine today however).
Good News !My beloved daughter returns from Florida later today, though logistics mean I won't see her until Tuesday - So that's something to look forward to!
See you soon for more fun!

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