Sunday 21 January 2007

He blew his mind out in a car

Overheard in MusicZone today:

Ned 1 picks up DVD box set, says to Ned 2,
" look they've made a TV show out of that Tom Cruise film, Mission Impossible"
Blimey the youth of today eh? when I was young it was all fields round here etc etc.

Personalised number plates.
Are the owners very forgetful?
Can't remember which BMW or Range Rover belongs to them?
Don't you just love the way that numbers and letters are bent, twisted and distorted to make some random letters look like a frankly crap approximation of some other letters? Not to mention the judicious use of bolts to further enhance the illusion. Just how insecure are these people? If I had a few grand o spare, I would probably waste it on some piece of consumerism or the other, I'm no Saint. However spending good money on a few plastic letters, that essentially only function to alert others that the driver is a materialistic self centred money wasting showoff scumbag, now that is my new definition of pointless!

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