Sunday 21 January 2007

Rock and Roll Music

Hello there.
I've finally been getting around to filling my iPod (that's not a euphemism by the way). It's been really tricky deciding what to leave out! There just isn't enough room for all my Al Green albums and all my Tom Waits too! The best thing about the ipod is, I think, juxtaposition. I really think that placing two unrelated songs next to each other can bring out something totally unexpected in both of them (for example any Tarantino Soundtrack). Thank the heavens for the shuffle feature!
It must be very satisfying to dabble with DJ'ing (is that even a word?) I like to think I have good musical taste , but to see the physical evidence in the form a full dance floor must be sublime.
Remember the Rob character in High Fidelity ? well despite his hang ups, that's a life to envy, DJ , love life crises, a quick and cutting wit and a record shop to pass the time of day in. (I always suspected that if I had a shop of any kind however, that my natural hoarding instinct would prevent me from selling anything at all!) - plus it would be great to belittle members of the public!! (especially as my real job means I have to grin and bear it !!)

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