I couldn't sleep last night. I've been troubled with insomnia for a few years now. However the last month or so things have quite improved. Last night was a return to the bad old days. Of course I had a bottle of wine last night, and while that may be contributing to my headache (it usually doesn't) it more often than not sends me to sleep too
- rearrange those preceding words into something coherent would ya' ?
Ironically Tuesday is my one guaranteed "lie-in" if I'm off (I usually am), as my ex wife takes our daughter to school on that day. So I got up at Seven (yes, my two regular, and most beloved readers, I know to you two seven is a lie in in itself, I apologise).
So I decided too open a few boxes, that have been lying in my bedroom, undisturbed, since I moved in (let me point out that the boxes I opened are few, not the number in the bedroom, as they resemble the final scene of "Raiders of the Lost Ark", you know the warehouse bit).
What did I discover? Well some of my elusive record collection
(cassettes yesterday, records today, go ask your mother again!). This box in particular was like a time capsule from the early 80's. ABC , Culture Club, Human League, John Foxx, OMD, Fad Gadget, even Jane Wiedlin
(conveniently soon after the go-go's video, but true) Albums, a "Dare" picture disc
(really, go ask that mother of yours again, she seems to be something of an expert on arcane technology!). I had already located my "
cooler" lp's last year. Oh now I feel tired, miserable, uncool and old, so old.
Good morning Tuesday!
ps. By the way that's Jane Wiedlin above, not some random knickerless, 50's glamour art re-staged girl.
pps. it seems my ipod has conked out! damn! damn! damn! Now how can I wander the streets looking moody without a suitable soundtrack?
"Dr. Jones. Again we see there is nothing you can possess which I cannot take away!"

Shirley Manson will return