Who are the people who make my hit counter go up? It reached 1000 today, but I only put it in about two months ago, Heaven knows how many hit's I had in the good old days (you know what I mean). I'm sure I push the counter up myself when I post, but someone else is lurking out there!
Who are you Damn it? (only joking there by the way - but I am curious)
Diarrhoea all gone now. Back to "normal".
I always think my teeth look pretty white, until I put shaving foam on my face (for a shave, not on a whim!) , and suddenly they turn yellow - ugh!
(just watched this - I love it)
"The hardness of the butter is proportional to the softness of the bread." - Steven Wright (I'm going to run out eventually!!)(couldn't resist this, my all time favourite)

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