Wednesday 13 May 2009

“The best way to appreciate your job is to imagine yourself without one.”
- Oscar Wilde

"Where did your long hair go?
Where is the girl I used to know?"

I suppose I'd better write something.


...Well I had said to myself that my next post was going to be upbeat and positive - as if!

Since my recent birthday (or more likely that's when I began to notice) I seem to have lost the ability/need to stay up until 2am, 4am, etc.
Maybe it's just me getting older and therefore more easily tired, but now bedtime usually seems to be just around midnight, and then five minutes later I'm fast asleep (although I've been waking up at 5/6 am each morning, but actually feeling quite rested!) . Of course this is a U turn from the years of insomnia, which I certainly don't miss. I'd always assumed that the lack of sleep was down to unhappiness, stress, depression, the usual suspects, but I can't say I feel happier or more relaxed, so it must be old age. Actually it occurs to me, that of late everything has been feeling a little 'flat' and pointless. Sometimes it's the case that I'm simply bored last thing and unconsciousness seems a slightly preferable state.

I had my first haircut for 5 months yesterday. My first words were along the lines of "very little off please", needless to say they fell on deaf ears, as I've asked again and again, why do they never listen (I'm sure in higher price brackets they do).

Amazing how after a few days off it actually gets a little bit boring, but after only a few minutes back at work it all suddenly seems so desirable!

What a messy couple of paragraphs! I simply can't be bothered to go back and tidy them up though - goodbye.

“Habit converts luxurious enjoyments into dull and daily necessities” - Aldous Huxley

(I watched this on DVD the other night, DD was 44 when she made it! amazing!)

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