Sunday 17 May 2009

“There's only one me, and I'm stuck with him.”
- Kurt Vonnegut

"I sometimes wonder
What happened to that flame
The answer's still the same
It was you you it was you "

It's been extremely quiet at work the past few days. This is unusual, but I suspect probably related to the weather getting better.
It can't last for ever, the quietness , not the weather I mean.

Even if, whatever is in charge of such things were to allow, I were to suddenly become a rich man, I would not leave my job (at least not completely).
As I've said many times before, work helps you appreciate time off. I often get bored after a day or two off, but after half an hour at work , all that wasted time develops a whole new importance. Therefore were I super rich, or even mildy so, a day or two at work would help me appreciate my new found leisure opportunities.
Of course this is all pie in the sky. Money could after all mean travel and adventure, all of which is mostly quite useless on ones own.

Speaking of which I have decided that I'm better off staying completely alone for ever and ever. As I previously mentioned, I don't exactly go out of my way to make friends (it's mid May and I've been out once this year (for about two hours - see earlier post), and with my many personality problems this is probably for the best I suspect (see posts on misanthropy, urban fear and snobbery).
This is not self pity,by the way, just ruthless realism. I'm best suited to being alone, even my family doesn't like me.

Be seeing you!

(I can't recommend 'Pacific Ocean Blue' enough!)

“It is terrible to be alone, and it is terrible to be in love, but one is cheaper than the other.”

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