Wednesday 27 May 2009

"Get used to disappointment"

"Strawberries cherries and an angel's kiss in spring
My summer wine is really made from all these things"

It's been a while eh? What's happening, anything? everything? nothing?
Guess! (yes, you're absolutely right!)

Another rejection by my now teenage daughter. I was looking forward to seeing her tomorrow (it's half term, trivia fans) but it looks like another , pick up at ten, home by midday next day visit. I'm resigned to this now, Friends are more important when you are 13 than an emotionally dependent Dad.

Bank Holiday Monday was 14 hours of sheer Hell at work. I arrived at just after 7am, and crawled away at 9pm, after a very tragic Death (is there any other kind?), the chap that died was younger than my Dad - makes me think, a lot (I know I think a lot anyway but I'm doing approximately 37% more of it today.

I bought an orange trimphone, I have no real need for it, but hey! it's an orange trimphone! a no brainer surely?
In a rite de passage, I junked Billies 'groovy chick' bedding and curtains today and replaced them with a nice groovy abstract. If the significance escapes you, then I pity you.

Today I read a lot (the Princess Bride) watched a lot of TV (Croupier - Really like Clive Owen films!) and off course more Mod Squad - I really wish I had more than Season 1!

(I had some wine tonight , but sadly it doesn't seem to have much effect on me any more. Do I blame the paltry 12% alcohol content of Marks and Spencer red wine, or my general miserablism? You are the jury!

"Life is pain, Highness! Anyone who says differently is selling something." - Dread Pirate Roberts

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