Saturday 30 May 2009

“Bad is called good when worse happens”
- Norwegian Proverb


Came into my life,

It was sunshine everywhere,
You were outta sight"

I had a days holiday this week. When combined with my generous three days off that was a pleasant four day break. Well pleasant if you aren't a miserable old misanthrope.
I did get to spend an evening with Billie. We went to IKEA, made a purchase, (cd storage - they are taking over, I've bought about 500 in the past year) had meatballs, then came home. She watched 'Britain's got talent' while I made a point of not being in the room. I simply cannot bring myself to watch such 'stuff' (really is it entertainment or a 21st century version of the travelling freakshow). Actually I've only watched two broadcast TV shows this week , and that's all I ever watch (save DVDs of course). I cannot remember the last time I actually watched anything on ITV at all.
I only have a TV license because I HAVE too (although I do listen to a lot of BBC Radio).

Anyway I'm rambling.

Next morning Billie was up at 10.30, and I took her straight home (in her pyjamas), as she was meeting her pals at midday, and needed time to get ready (when I was 13 getting ready took about 75 seconds).
I may not have seen much of her but it really recharged my batteries, and I didn't feel quite so miserable the rest of the day. I'd planned a trip to Newcastle as it was payday, but of course I never (I make good intentions an art form) got there. I did however buy a new toaster, so the day wasn't a total waste (whilst this fact is true, the sentence is pure sarcasm).
Most of my days off I was struck immobile by that horrible empty pointlessness that has gripped me of late. I don't feel suicidal at all, but sometimes I really cannot see the point of living. I serve no useful function, save that of absent parent. (let's stop here eh?)

(Initially I'd intended to say something about Barbara in this post, but I am self censoring myself, partly because I know how pathetic it must seem now)

(I wish the well formed sentences, and salient points that occur to me whilst walking home from work would hang around a bit longer (in my head). all you get here are disjointed fragments and self pitying crap. Sorry about that, next time I'll try and put in a joke or two!)

Be seeing you...

“The lazier a man is, the more he plans to do tomorrow.” - another Norwegian Proverb

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