Friday 12 January 2007

Jesus died for you John Lennon!

Back again so soon? I've just watched an excellent documentary about the Touring days of The Beatles (BBC2 Timewatch). Now I love The Beatles, but it is difficult to find anything fresh or unsaid, however this documentary had both.
Another thing that bores me is the "talking heads" style of show, where the same old faces are dragged out to repeat their oft told tales. However although there were some familiar faces here, it impressed me how everyone concerned had turned into groovy old geezers,they all had an air of youthfulness about them, at least that's the vibe I picked up on.
Anyone that knows me knows of my love for San Francisco, The 1960's and the Beatles, and one of my favourite fantasy time machine destinations was always that final Candlestick Park Gig - to the Delorean! (even though they didn't enjoy it)
I actually could feel John Lennon's weariness at having to explain his "more popular than Jesus" remark one more time - I think there's a whole show to be made about this itself.
Above all this documentary revealed the Beatles as four ordinary Scouse lads who were blessed with talent but still had the good sense to stay in touch with "reality", give me the grace and good natured humour of George Harrison over any of today's so called "stars" - I'm off to listen to the White Album

(by the way the title is a quote from the show - not me being controversial)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.