You may find this amusing, but I have only said the F word twice out loud ( although you may also find it rather pathetic!) Once in 1990! - when I was the drunkest that I have ever been , and ever want to be, amazingly despite my intoxication - the event is crystal clear - sad eh? The other was just a couple of years ago , and to be delicate, I said it to a wonderful young lady, because I wanted her to know just how attractive I found her (and still do) and since she knew my aversion to swearing I hope it carried some extra meaning (I put that really badly, I may have to edit that bit later - I didn't want to imply I would use that word as a compliment but in that unique circumstance, I suppose it was). You know when I started typing this it was going to be about something totally different, but it became rather "true confessions" there for a minute didn't it?
“The foolish and wicked practice of profane cursing and swearing is a vice so mean and low that every person of sense and character detests and despises it” - George Washington
(ps - I've got the rest of the story above and it all turns out alright for Betty - hurrah! - She ditches the man she loves because he was younger than her - those crazy sixties values eh? take as many drugs as you want , sleep with anybody, but heaven forbid your boyfriend is younger - but she sees the error of her ways! btw she also has a most excellent sculpted 60's "do" - so I'm obsessed, go sue me!)