Monday 12 March 2007

Devils Haircut

Did I mention I had another disastrous haircut this week? I didn't? oh well I've kind of given it away now haven't I? I never seem to get what I ask for, when I left the barbers I looked like a bizarre crossing of The Faces and a Franciscan Monk ( circa 14th century!)Maybe it's because I have to take my glasses off, but mostly I suspect it's my lack of assertiveness - aye there's the rub (hamlet -sigh- again!) see how I led you astray there? a mildly amusing anecdote descends into self character assassination (what - not again?) - anyway a lack of assertiveness has cost me a lot in my life, and I suspect it'll cost me a lot more in the future. (shut up)

“You're only as good as your last haircut.”- Fran Lebowitz

(oh when I mentioned Shirley Manson yesterday I got a Google alert about my own blog - let's see if it works today? cue another gratuitous Shirley
Manson photo - you see it only works if I keep mentioning Shirley Manson)

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