Tuesday 27 March 2007

“Smiles form the channels of a future tear.”

Confession time - I have consumed a lot of red wine so tonight's entry could go two ways : miserable and maudlin , or sarcastic and bitter!

Hang on though! I am not a bitter person, I am just tempered by events. I am essentially a romantic, I have loved and been loved (apparently), and I still hope, just a little, that I may find love (or it's approximation) again. On contemplation though, the good part of me, the part that was attentive, caring, empathic, and loving, has suffered a little injury lately, and since I've had nothing and no-one to test it on it may not be working properly ( ooh-er madam, this isn't some sexual metaphor, I'm talking about emotions here! - I'll regret this later I'm sure!)
I'm reminded of the classic ABC lyric :

"And though my friends just might ask me
They say "Martin maybe one day you'll find true love"
I say "Maybe, there must be a solution
To the one thing, the one thing, we can't find"

(obviously I'm not called Martin - eediot!)

“If I were a girl, I'd despair. The supply of good women far exceeds that of the men who deserve them.” - Robert Graves (blimey - I'm quotation crazy tonight!)

I'm a good person really, It's just difficult for a hermit to get out these days!
“Solitude is a wonderful thing - so long as you can talk about it with someone afterwards”

... and now to more mundane matters...

Life on Mars - it continues to be the second best show on television at the moment, it is existentialism for the masses, Gene Hunt is a sublime creation, it's the sort of show that in 30 years time (ironically) you will think you imagined, and when you find someone who remembers it you will love them forever (oh no - he's off again) - (anorak alert - the wallpaper in the drug dealers flat is available online from Germany - I should know, I bought some a couple of years ago!)

I have also just watched "Cry Baby" for the first time in years, I'd forgotten how damn good it was, and if you'll excuse me a lad moment, did a woman ever look sexier than Traci Lords in this movie? (of course they did - I'm half drunk and I've only just watched it)

Finally - I watched "United 93" yesterday, it's been sitting on my shelf for months waiting to be watched, what a regret! This film was superbly directed, it was so naturalistic that I soon forgot it was a "film" and the whole movie seemed to be over very quickly ( always a good sign in my experience). Whilst not strictly entertainment, it was engrossing, and I found myself bursting into tears when the Trade Centers were hit, again when the "lets roll" line appeared (google it!) and at the inevitable denouement - it seems I'm only human after all ! - thank goodness. The hijackers came across as misguided idiots, and the military as bumbling fools - the passengers and aircrew as heroes, which they truly were, and as for the whole Sept 11th conspiracy theory, another time, another place maybe!

“If I should meet thee After long years, How should I greet thee? - With silence and tears” - Lord Byron

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