Thursday 22 March 2007

“Beware the lollipop of mediocrity; lick it once and you'll suck forever.”

Gee last time I wrote a poem was in my sub Morrisey teenage angst years, when each one would someday be turned into a classic lyric, after I'd died a beautiful and tragic death! (obviously that last bit didn't happen!) and the spinning circle that is life has again stopped at angst! (chuckle)and I'm not even drunk!
here's a cheery ditty on mobile phones, a pet hate of mine (well not the phone itself but it's place in society)

Is it so important?clutched to head, megapixels go uncounted.
Ages would marvel at what we have done,yet the import is lost on low of thought.

Must we thumb at screen and reality, and let experience pass by, unoticed.

Like the man with a feast before him , yet yearning for fast food.

(ugh! - ok for 3 minutes work, but I think I prefer haiku's !!!)
(title quote from the God amongst us - Brian Wilson - the "sucking" irony is not lost on me gentle reader!)

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