Friday 2 March 2007

Dear Catastrophe Waitress

Well that's night shift over for a few weeks, however....
Yes that damn change list has appeared and yes I'm being moved to another ward for six months, they say it's temporary, but they said that the war would be over by Christmas! The most upsetting thing is how few people are moving, if I were part of a large group OK, but four people every six months! There are other worrying details but they can wait. You may think I'm being silly but my life revolves around work, and my workplace colleagues are important to me. Likewise I believe I work on the best ward in the unit, and I don't want to go and be associated with wards I am less than happy with - but C'est La Vie!

Quote - “For certain is death for the born and certain is birth for the dead; Therefore over the inevitable thou should not grieve” Bhagavad Gita (heavy man!)

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