Sunday 18 March 2007

“Sometimes I lie awake at night, and ask, 'Where have I gone wrong?' Then a voice says to me, 'This is going to take more than one night.'”

Oh dear I seem to be neglecting the old blog (blows virtual dust from a big virtual book). This week has reached new levels of uneventfullness (see I'm making words up now!). Worst thing is I don't even have any extremes of emotions to report, at least the boredom can sometimes be offset by being miffed with work, or annoyed at some aspect of society, today I'm just "comfortably numb".

I have been wasting* loads of time on that damn myspace! It truly is a time thief, worse part is I could not tell you what I do with the time, although I do rather enjoy finding and posting images (it's kind of like a virtual top trumps I suppose).
A rather obvious thought occurred to me that myspace profiles are a little like the male peacocks feathers ( or any other natural "show"). In as much that a colourful and prominent one (ooh er!) attracts the eye and therefore the "friend", and a plain or unaltered one is quickly passed by (mine falls between the two I suspect) . I'm not out to accrue hundreds of "friends", just find a few interesting folks to stay in touch with.

*is it wasted if you enjoy it? suppose not.

“I wasted time, and now doth Time waste me: For now hath Time made me his numb'ring clock; My thoughts are minutes” William Shakespeare - Richard II

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