Can things possibly get any worse? (Of course I could die in my sleep I suppose, or become horribly crippled in a freak standing up accident).
It's selfish human nature to think that all your woes are worse than everyone elses I suppose, but I'm taking this one all the way to 11!
Incoherent ramblings aside - work again in 7 hours, I am so tired I can hardly type after a delightful 13 (well 14 really) hour shift. Of Course when I say delightful I mean raised up from the foul belly of hell and vomited forth onto the barren earth by Beelzebub, old nick , and his demon hordes of Succubi. Which is nice.
If I survive the night - see you soon (why do I bother? eh - why?)
Quote - “The devil tempts all other men, but idle men tempt the devil” right on righteous Turkish dudes!
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