Monday 15 October 2007

“To expect the unexpected shows a thoroughly modern intellect.”

Let me start with a big hello to Barbara - HELLO! (it's big see?see?)

Secondly - that tumbler is parked at IKEA!

I am just home from work unexpectedly early. I was dreading this morning, I knew we were even shorter of staff than usual, we have many patients who need a LOT of care, and I've been a little stressed of late. In the end we got through it and because there was a decent number of late staff (that is staff who start late - at lunchtime , not late as in dead and departed) I managed to snag a few hours holiday! Aren't I lucky. My point being that sometimes no matter how bad something can look on the horizon when you finally reach it it can look a lot smaller and a lot less intimidating than at a distance - please forgive my Crude metaphor.

Well I'd better seize this early finish, grab my ID (that's in the sense of a passport or drivers license, not the Freudian sense!) and go and get some Canadian Dollars!!!
Bye for now!

“There is no problem so big it cannot be run away from.” - Charles Schulz

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