Friday 25 January 2008

“Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist”

This post is just an excuse to post these pictures I found whilst chucking out lots of stuff. Halloween circa 1990 I think ,we were all student Nurses, hence the costumes! The flat hair was after a night of dancing / sweating, and our costumes gradually got tattier and tattier (not to mention less and less) as people couldn't resist ripping them further!!

I almost forgot those Captain Kirk sideburns I used to have!

This is one actually at work, as you can see we (men that is) used to dress like doctors back then (which led to many an hilarious mix up!) , and I had my regular (at the time) hair do - a strange 50's / 60's amalgam of a quiff.

“The human consciousness is really homogeneous. There is no complete forgetting, even in death.” - D.H. Lawrence

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