Wednesday 3 June 2009

“A bore is a man who when asked how he is, tells you”

"So it's Rorschach and Prozac and everything is groovy"

Blimey it's June already. Time really is slipping away. At my age time is something that every few weeks pops into my head and shouts "it's later than you think", then buggers off for a while. Every new ache or pain and I start fantasise about an infirm and lonely future. I look at my payslip and regret my lack of ambition (and ability), and almost everyday I regret that road not taken (you know the one I said I wasn't talking about anymore, but inevitably still am in a roundabout manner).
However I am going to resist the urge to just moan and wail for two paragraphs, although that urge is almost irresistible.
I've had a couple of rotten days at work, nothing new there, but I'm starting to get a bit peed off with getting off late, especially after being there for nearly fourteen hours. Just sour grapes I know, but so what!
I've got a single day off jammed in between work days, and here I am doing what I do on every day off, I could bore you with the details, but even I don't care.

In a sure sign of addiction I bought 8 (count 'em) Cd's today (although all but one were second hand), more importantly I actually bought some food, including those rarest of beasts on the Billy landscape, fruit and salad.

I have a weeks holiday coming up , and thanks to the low mortgage rate, some money to actually go somewhere.
A quick poll ;
Do you think I will a) book a holiday and look forward to my solitary pleasure (ooh er missus)
b) at the very last minute say something like "bother, I've left it too late", and moan about it , like forever?
Don't bother to answer , we all know the answer already.

In a (very) slightly amusing anecdote, I was queuing in my beloved second hand shop today, when a fellow pushed to the front to ask about a snooker cue in the window, as he was examining it I said "Ironic eh? you want to see a cue, and we are all standing in one?". At last a witty comment that didn't occur to me two days later. (by the way he replied "yeah", to which I replied slightly less acidicly "oh, snappy comeback". He then left (I noted which direction, so I could take the opposite, he may have had another snooker cue about his person!)

“My great concern is not whether you have failed, but whether you are content with your failure.” - Abraham Lincoln

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