Friday 26 June 2009

“It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.”
- Confucius

"This is the day
Of the expanding man

That shape is my shade
There where I used to stand"

I love evenings best of all. Mornings are full of potential, but afternoons feel like killing time.

Exactly as I knew it would, this holiday has amounted to nothing, but for once I don't really mind. At least that hateful, twisted and resentful me of last week has left (but for how long, I wonder?), it seems having nothing to do is good for the soul (up to a point, eventually boredom creeps in, and then the roller coaster finishes cranking uphill, and begins the sudden downward journey, which is of course , much much faster than the upwards one - a very inelegant metaphor sorry). Er. where was I?

I watched "Speed Racer" on Blu-Ray last night (I own all of four, count 'em, discs!). Maybe it was the technology, or the 10 foot picture, but I really thought it was a great family film. I actually have some of the sixties show on VHS (remember them kids?), so maybe I was the target audience. Anyway I'm not in the mood for film reviews , so that's all you are getting.

Up until today my holiday weather has been hot hot hot and sunny (I don't have a garden, so I can't really take advantage of it. If I were to sit in a public place with my present hirsute level, I would probably be arrested for nefarious intentions). However as I write this, the sky has darkened and the clouds opened, it's still warm though, and sitting in this balmy gloom in front of a glowing monitor, feels very different and really quite cozy (maybe cozy is the wrong word, who knows?).

If my postings get any more inconsequential they will turn to steam I imagine.

Good Day World.

“Think in the morning. Act in the noon. Eat in the evening. Sleep in the night.” - William Blake

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