Wednesday 10 June 2009

“Nothing happens, nobody comes, nobody goes, it's awful.”
- Samuel Beckett

"Cold city lights glowing,
The traffic of life is flowing,

Out over the rivers and on into dark."

I logged in without the slightest idea of what to post. Simply put, being on my days off tomorrow made me feel slightly less despondent than usual (don't worry it'll return soon).
Blimey I really do have NOTHING to write, I haven't a good rant or ramble in me at the moment, plus I feel really tired so I'm sure I'll sleep well tonight.
Looking back, belligerence and insomnia are two of my top topics (top topics, clumsy!).

I still have my weeks holiday to look forward to the week after next, but I have of course had to cancel my planned trip to Glasgow, thanks to recent (ahem) 'unexpected' financial transactions. I'm sure I'll find a pleasant way to completely waste the days, you had better believe it!

I really wish I had something to say, good or bad. I'm just so dull, and my life is so uneventful, I'm stuck. (I could fall back on the old standbys such as...)

“For a moment, nothing happened. Then, after a second or so, nothing continued to happen.” - Douglas Adams

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