Friday 19 June 2009

“Whenever people agree with me I always feel I must be wrong.”
- Oscar Wilde

My 13 year old daughter is unhappy with her height.
She's five foot nine, and actually concerned that she is too tall. She is literally worried about standing out, I suspect. She can't see the advantages height has from an adult viewpoint (unless of course she should unexpectedly grow to gigantic proportions). To be honest I have completely given up on trying to reason with her on practically any matter. This is not lazy parenting, but the grim realisation that nothing can change a teenagers mind, at that age you think that everything that happens to you is happening for the first time since the beginning of well time. Parents go from being depended on to becoming only a peripheral annoyance, a buzzing insect (albeit one that provides food shelter and material possessions). Give her enough time and I'm sure our former closeness will return along with a little wisdom, I hope. She was supposed to sleep over tonight, but at the last moment announced she was going to a party. I was a little upset, but in all honesty a night with boring old Dad or a party? foregone conclusion anyone?

(in the end she rang and did want to stay afterwards, but didn't arrive until 10.30!)

“You teach your daughters the diameters of the planets and wonder when you are done that they do not delight in your company” - Samuel Johnson

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