Saturday 13 June 2009

“While money can't buy happiness, it certainly lets you choose your own form of misery”

"Hide on the promenade
Etch a postcard:
"How I Dearly Wish I Was Not Here"

Normal service is resumed - I am absolutely miserable again today. Sadly I really have no idea why (although regular readers may have some suggestions).

I made a rather large and probably quite foolish purchase this week, followed by another - connected one. I'm not trying to be enigmatic, I'm just a little embarrassed about spending money when I so often proclaim that I have none.

Once again my days off have passed, and remain totally inconsequential. Apart form spending money, and putting up a blind, my days off were spent in a non stop whirligig of sensual pleasures and time wasting extraordinaire (only half of that is true). I'm feeling very lonely today, not something that has troubled me of late (after all, I have often proclaimed my unlikeableness - is that a word?), but today I need some company. Music, Wine and rampant consumerism will only get you so far, and it's not very (far that is).

I am off to watch something funny (by which I mean a DVD not my bank balance).

“I have learned now that while those who speak about one’s miseries usually hurt, those who keep silence hurt more.”- C.S. Lewis

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