Thursday 29 March 2007

"There is a light that never goes out"

(I wrote this sentence last - I apologise for the following ramble - see if you can make any sense out of this nonsense)

It's a couple of hours later, I watched most of a DVD (Mighty Boosh live - how I wish I'd seen that show last year, and funny how I identify more with Howard Moon, when Vince is clearly cooler, and he is "King of the Mods" - which reminds me how rubbish is Phil Daniels in Eastenders? I only see it when Billie is here but really, how could he!! - talk about stream of consciousness this is a bloody long sentence!!)

"We are gathered here today to get through this thing called life" I used to be a big Prince fan, I could've sworn that used to be "love" but hey that's right I'm (slightly) intoxicated again! Well a bottle of red and I'm anybody's ! (sure I said that to someone recently) - You must think I have every day off and spend it all drinking and watching TV - well the life of a Nurse is strange (and I like strange) - shifts suit me, I could never do a "9 to 5" (Dolly or Sheena or Lady Sovereign - you decide!!) - plus my ex-wife is on holiday this week, which means I get to see very little of my daughter!
(Jeezy Creezy this is rambling, what was my point?) I think I was going to talk about love! that would explain the Prince thing anyway. However I think I've talked about love once too often, I've been in love (in honesty I still am - kind of) and I've had my heart broken. But if there's one topic that doesn't need any more discussion it's love - so I'll drag out some trusty quotes, and let others do my talking! you already had my favourite love quotes on Valentines Day, but here's a few more:

(My Favourite Beatles song is "I will" which contains this wonderful but sad line: )

“Who knows how long I've loved you, you know I love you still. Will I wait a lonely lifetime? If you want me to I will.”

but enough of unrequited love (please):

The way to love anything is to realize that it might be lost. - GK Chesterton

We are shaped and fashioned by what we love. Goethe (with you on this one German poetry paintery Dude!)

Who so loves believes the impossible. - Elizabeth Barret Browning

Love sought is good, but given unsought, is better. William Shakespeare (always reliable for a good 'un)

It is an extra dividend when you like the girl you've fallen in love with. - Clark Gable

'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. - Tennyson (ah the classic - thanks Alf!)

"Enough, no more, ‘Tis not so sweet now as it was before..."
(yes thats a quote but it's also an instruction to me to stop -please!)

A few months ago I sort of invented a game - The Morrisey Oracle! I use my ipod to pick a random Smiths or Morrisey song, and the title gives me my fortune - tonight it picked the song of the title , "there is a light that never goes out" Such a beautiful chorus (especially the double decker bus) but does the title refer to optimism, or unrequited love?

and now goodnight!

"To sleep, perchance to dream"

(I love Hamlet! - that nutty Dane ! and my final quote tonight - honest)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I loved that prince song, that used to be my favourite for years, then i got seduced by Cream.

Dont you hate being in love with someone who dosnt appreciate you, its so pointless somehow, yet you cant quite give up on it, because you always feel that just when you gave up, they'd see sense, and you werent there to capitalise on it.

Love your quotes