Tuesday 16 October 2007

“A conclusion is simply the place where someone got tired of thinking.”

I'm very tired.
You may recall that about three years ago I became an insomnia sufferer. Regular readers may remember me moaning endlessly about it and fondly recalling the spiritual calm of being wide awake at four in the morning, So what ? you may say, and say it you may, but for the last couple of months it has continued to improve. So much so that unless I'm in bed by midnight (for a 6.15 arising) I'm absolutely paggered the next morning. So what? you may say again, and say it again you may. Well in the bad old days I could sleep for maybe two hours, get up and go to work , and function fairly well. I think my body became accustomed to very little sleep, and now that it is getting a little more it's cruelly punishing me by making me feel like ... well crap , all the time. To sum up , more sleep is making me feel worse! (of course it could also be my shockingly unhealthy lifestyle and middle age?)

The enlightened amongst you are probably wondering why my insomnia is getting better, aren't you? Well I have my own theories, but I suspect part of the solution may lie in British Columbia

“It's always in the middle of the bloody night, or when you're half-awake or tired, when your critical faculties are switched off. So letting go is what the whole game is. You turn on the lights and the cockroaches run away. You can never grasp them.” - John Lennon


Martha Cisneros said...

I like your blog, and your style, cheers from monterrey mexico!

Anonymous said...

Its funny when you look back and wonder how you managed on so little sleep. A few years ago i'd never be in bed before three on a fri and sat.... now i wonder how on earth i managed it. One late night now and i have to have early nights for a week to recover ...

Anonymous said...

Hello marthitacisneros! and thank you for your kind comment! and it's always nice to see you Chilli!